Table Widget

The Table widget displays data in rows and columns.

Key features are:

  • Conditional formatting of table cells

  • Text wrapping and column resizing

  • Row numbering

  • Number formatting

  • Link formatting

  • Columns hiding

This widget is best used with aggregate functions like groupBy() or table() for output that has a predefined number of fields; for example, a table that displays HTTP GET methods and their response time.

The table() function displays data in the order provided by the query, and the Table widget allows to additionally format the information sorted by the function.

See in Figure 167, “Table Chart” an example of how this widget looks like.

Table Chart

Figure 167. Table Chart

Input Format and Example Query

Assume we have a service producing logs like the ones below:

2018-10-10T01:10:11.322Z [ERROR] Invalid User ID. errorID=2, userId=10
2018-10-10T01:10:12.172Z [WARN]  Low Disk Space.
2018-10-10T01:10:14.122Z [ERROR] Invalid User ID. errorID=2, userId=11
2018-10-10T01:10:15.312Z [ERROR] Connection Dropped. errorID=112 server=
2018-10-10T01:10:16.912Z [INFO]  User Login. userId=11

To figure out which errors occur most often and show them in a table on one of the dashboards, a query like this can be used:

loglevel = ERROR
| groupBy(errorID, function=[count(as=Count), collect(message)])
| rename(errorID, as="Error ID")
| table(["Error ID", message])

What this query will do is:

  • count the number of errors bucketed by their errorId

  • show a human readable message in the table and not just the ID by using the collect() function, to ensure that the value of the message field makes it through the groupBy phase — which otherwise only includes the series field (errorId) and the result of the aggregate function (count().

  • rename the errorID field to Error ID as this will be the header in the table.

  • ensure the order of the columns by using the table() function.

You can customize your widget by changing its formatting: see Table Widget Properties.

For details on how to create Table widgets, see Creating Table Chart Widgets.

Table Widget Properties

From the widget menu (see Figure 117, “Widget Menu”) click Widget to set:

  • Title

    The title of the widget as displayed in the dashboard.

  • Description

    The description of the table. This is free form text supporting markdown syntax. The description appears in the dashboard as a tooltip when hovering over the question mark on top of the widget.

Click Styling to configure the widget's properties (find some Styling panel examples at Creating Table Chart Widgets):

  • General contains settings that apply to the entire table.

    • Text overflow allows you to control how the content is displayed when it exceeds the available space within a cell (for example, cells with @rawstring values). Available options:

      • Wrap ensures that the text content automatically adjusts its layout to fit the column width. This is especially useful for displaying long text and avoiding horizontal scrolling.

      • Truncate every line truncates multiline text content in a cell so that each line is shortened to fit the available space.

      • Truncate as one line renders the text as one line and truncates overflowing text.

    • Show row numbers displays row numbers in the table.

  • Columns lists all table's columns — select a column to edit its properties. Click the show/hide icon next to each column to toggle its visibility in the table. Hiding the column does not remove it from the query result, which means that the column is still available for export and can be referenced in the Template Language used for interactions.

  • Formatting sets the formatting for the selected column.

    • Show as:

      • Value shows the value as is. This setting will remove any existing links from the cell.

      • Link makes the value into a link. Can be used for cases where the query contains a URL, and you want all URLs listed in the table to be linkable. Only URLs appearing in queries with the markdown style e.g. [CrowdStrike]( are automatically rendered as links in the table columns. To explicitly show a plain URL or any other content as a link, use this formatting. For an example, see Add Temporary Events and URLs.

      • Go to events link. Triggers filter query with events matching the field value, meaning you can link the value to the corresponding event in the Event List. This is the default behavior for grouping fields returned by functions like groupBy() or top(). For an example, see Display Different Statuses.

    • Format as:

      • Bytes. Only applicable to number values, formats the data in bytes (B), kilobytes (kB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), etc. Example: number 1500000 will be displayed as 1.5 MB.

      • Number sets the appearance of number values:

        • Decimal places rounds the value to the number of decimal points.

        • Show thousands separator displays numbers with thousand separators. Example: 3,728.24.

      • Text shows value as is, no formatting applied.

      • Time Ago. Only applicable to number values, converts Unix timestamp with milliseconds in "Time ago" relative time. Example: 1y 60d 10h ago.

      • Time Duration. Only applicable to number values, interprets number values as milliseconds and displays the milliseconds elapsed as duration. Example: 12ms.

      • Date and Time. Only applicable to number values, interprets number values as milliseconds and formats cell values as timestamps. Example: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss

  • Size — controls size's adjustments to the column. Options are:

    • Fit to data — automatically adjusts column width to fit the data. This will ignore any Text overflow settings for this column.

    • Custom width — sets a static width of the column.

  • Cell colors sets the background color of cells in a column.

    • Type options are:

      • Static sets a static background color (or no color is set).

      • Thresholds allows to configure thresholds and to choose a predefined palette of colors (can be diverging colors or monochrome with different nuances) automatically assigned to thresholds. For example, light green applied to all values below 50, dark green for all above 100. You can modify the color for any threshold: this will turn the palette to a Custom palette. Multiple thresholds are supported. For an example, see Figure 169, “Properties Panel - Example 1”.

      • Conditions allows to assign a color to a value cell when a condition you have defined for that value is met. For example, all values in HTTP status column that contain 04 must be displayed in red. Multiple conditions are supported. For an example, see Figure 171, “Properties Panel - Example 2”.

        You can set the following conditions:

        • equals

        • not equals

        • contains

        • not contains

        • starts with

        • ends with

        • is present

        • is not present — this is a special condition that allows to set a color for empty cells (where no value is shown).

Creating Table Chart Widgets

The procedure for creating Table widgets is described in the examples that follow.

Display Different Statuses

You want a table that counts events for the different HTTP methods, which have registered HTTP status errors, like this:

Count by Status

Figure 168. Count by Status

  1. From the Search tab, type this query in the Query Editor:

    groupby([method, status])

    A table is created that has fields method, status and _count as its columns.

  2. Save your widget as explained at Create from a Query

  3. Click the menu icon on top-right of the widget and select Styling, the Styling panel is displayed:

    Properties Panel - Example 1

    Figure 169. Properties Panel - Example 1

  4. Click the field method in the Columns section and set these properties:

    • Formatting → Show as Go to events link: creates links to the Event List for each entry in method , to show the corresponding result (in the example, all results for query * | method=DELETE will be displayed).

    • SizeFit to data

    • Cell colorsStatic.

  5. Click the field status in the Columns section and set these properties:

    Cell colorsCondition+Add condition → color red if the value in the field status contains 04

  6. Click the field _count in the Columns section and set these properties:

    Cell colorsThresholds→ choose a color palette → +Add threshold : different nuances in the palette (light green, dark green, etc.) will highlight the different thresholds (below 1,000, above 100,000, etc.).

For more information on the available properties that you can use to customize your widget, see Table Widget Properties.

Add Temporary Events and URLs

Use the createEvents() and table() functions combined to add new events to a table. You can also add field-related URLs and make those URLs linkable in your table, like in this table:

Table with New Fields and URLs

Figure 170. Table with New Fields and URLs

  1. From the Search tab, type a query like this in the Query Editor:

    createEvents(["animal=dog weight=10.0 url=\"[dog](\"", "animal=cat weight=4.212 url=\"[cat](\"", "animal=koala weight=6.300 url=\"[koala info](\""])
    | kvParse()
    | table([animal, weight, url])

    The output table has newly created fields animal, weight and url as its columns.

  2. Save your widget as explained at Create from a Query

  3. Click the menu icon on top-right of the widget and select Styling, the Styling panel is displayed:

    Properties Panel - Example 2

    Figure 171. Properties Panel - Example 2

  4. Click the field animal in the Columns section and set properties like this:

    • Formatting → Show as Value → Format as Text

    • SizeFit to data

    • Cell colorsConditions because you want to assign a specific color for each different value (dog, cat, etc.).

  5. Click the field weight in the Columns section and set properties like this:

    • Formatting → Show as Value → Format as Number; you also want to round the values for the animal weight to 2 decimal places.

    • Cell colors → choose a Static color (yellow in the example) for any value.

  6. Click the field url in the Columns section and set in particular:

    Formatting → Show as Link because you want your URLs to be linkable. As seen in the example, labels for URLs are supported.

For all the available properties that you can use to customize your widget, see Table Widget Properties.