Filter Match Highlighting

From the Search page it is possible to highlight results that match the filters applied in the query, by clicking the Filter match highlighting icon at the top right corner of the Results panel:

Filter Highlight

Figure 73. Filter Highlight

Displaying with different filter colors

Filter match highlighting with different colors is supported in the Event list for the field data types; Text and Log Line, and results are highlighted in the Inspection panel as well.

Enabling the filter match highlighting feature

To enable the Filter match highlighting option, go to your User iconManage your accountAccount settings and select the Automatically highlight filter matches on search page checkbox:

Enabling Filter Highlight from Settings

Figure 74. Enabling Filter Highlight from Settings

When using this feature, the following conditions apply:

  • Highlighting is currently available for the Event List widget type, supporting both free-text searches and regular expressions.

  • Filter match highlighting does not work when highlighting JSON, XML and other structured column formats where syntax highlighting is already applied.

  • The matching is done on a best-effort basis and performed after the search pipeline is executed. This means that highlighting may not be completely correct, especially in complex queries — when branching using case-statements for example.

  • If several filters match the same text in a field and the matches "overlap", parts or all of some matches from different filters may not be shown.