Parses the input from hex encoded bytes, decoding the resulting bytes as a string using the selected character set. If the input fields has a prefix (other than 0x and 16#) then use regex() or replace() to remove the prefix before using parseHexString. Any non-hex characters in the input are ignored — the decoding attempts to decode all chars in the field that match 0-9 or A-F. Case is ignored.

asstringoptional[a]_parsehexstring Name of output field.
charsetstringoptional[a]UTF-8 The charset to use when transforming bytes to string. Valid charsets are: (ISO-8859-1, UTF-8).
field[b]stringrequired  Specifies the field containing the hex string to use as input.

[a] Optional parameters use their default value unless explicitly set

[b] The argument name field can be omitted.

Omitted Argument Names

The argument name for field can be omitted; the following forms of this function are equivalent:




These examples show basic structure only; full examples are provided below.

Parses the string 48656c6c6f576f726c64 from the field named foo into the field text, getting the value Helloworld:

foo := 48656c6c6f576f726c64
| parseHexString(foo, as=text, charset="ISO-8859-1")

Parses the string 0x4 865 6c6c6f576f726c6420 plus F 0 9 F 9 8 8 0 from the field named hex into the field text, using UTF-8 and getting the value Helloworld 😀 where the smiley is the result of decoding the trailing digits:

hex := "0x4 865 6c6c6f576f726c6420 plus F 0 9 F 9 8 8 0"
| text := parseHexString(hex)