This endpoint should be used when you have unstructured logs in some text
format, and you want to give those logs structure to enable easier and
more efficient searching in LogScale. Examples fo sources of
unstructured data include:
System error logs: Logs generated by
applications, operating systems, or services when errors occur. These
might not follow a structured format and could vary in content
depending on the error. Monitoring system error logs enables you to
track and identify common application errors, server crashes, or
misconfigurations that result in error messages. You can search for
specific keywords, or pattermns in these logs to diagnose issues.
Web server logs: logs generated by
web server such as Apache or Nginx, which may not follow a strict
format other than for basic fields such as timestamps and messages.
Monitoring web traffic, response times, or HTTP status codes for
performance monitoring or troubleshooting issues such as 404 errors or
slow response times.
User activity logs: logs generated
when users perform various actions within an application or service.
These logs are often freeform, reflecting user behaviour in different
ways depending on context. Tracking user interactions, login attempts,
or activity withinn the system for auditing purposes, user bahaviour
analysis, or identifying suspicious actions.
Further examples of unstructured log data includes network traffic logs,
application debug logs, security incident logs, transaction logs, and
email delivery logs.
With unstructured data, it will result in more efficient queries if you
can parse the data into fields in Falcon LogScale. To do this you need to use
a suitable parser. You can either use a
built-in parser, a
Marketplace parser, or create
a custom
parser. You then need to associate this parser with the Ingest
Token your client uses to submit data to LogScale - this can be
done when you create the
Also, you need to build the message posted to LogScale in a format
that helps parse the data and add useful metadata. For example, if you
were sending four Apache access log lines to LogScale, you would
have a structure similar to the following:
In this case you need to associate an
accesslog parser with the
Ingest Tokens you are using to authenticate this
client. The accesslog parser will then
parse the lines into suitable fields, which makes querying more efficient
and easier, as you can base your queries on fields, rather than having to
use complex regular expressions to extract the required data. See
Parsing Data for further details.
The fields object is used to specify
fields that should be added to each of the events when they are parsed. In
the example, all the access log events will have a host field assigned
indicating that the events came from
The messages array contains the
individual event messages to be sent to LogScale for ingestion.
The format of these is described in the section
It is possible to send events of different types in the same request. That
is done by adding a new element to the outer array in the previous
When sending events, you can set the following fields in the request
The raw strings representing the events, each string (line) is
translated to a @rawstring in
LogScale. Each string can be parsed by the parser if one
is specified.
If no parser is attached to the
ingest token, LogScale will use this parser. The parser
specified is contained in the #type tag.
Annotate each of the
messages with metadata
using these key-values. Values must be strings. These are
translated to user fields.
Annotate each of the
messages with metadata
using these key-values as Tags. Please see other documentation
on tags before using them.