Download and Install LogScale Collector Using Curl Commands(Full Install)

Available: Full Install v1.136.0

Full Install is supported as of LogScale 1.136, if you are using a prior version, see Download and Install LogScale Collector using Installers (Custom Install) for information.

The following pages detail how to download and install the LogScale Collector on all the Supported Operating Systems using the Full install, which provides commands based on the operating system selected.

View the sizing guide LogScale Collector Sizing Guide for information on how to size instances.


You must use this method if you want use Remote Version Management Manage Versions - Groups

  1. The LogScale Collector can be downloaded from the LogScale User Interface by authenticated users. To download the LogScale Collector go to Data ingest → LogScale Collector download.

    Download Page

    Figure 1. Download Page

  2. Select Full install. Manage Versions - Groups centrally can only be used if you use Full install.

  3. Follow the steps on the panel:

    1. Select the radio button for the required LogScale Collector Installation.

    2. Copy, paste and run the curl command in the terminal of your machine to download and install LogScale Collector.

    3. View your instance on Fleet Management Overview page.

  4. Follow the Post Installation Steps to continue.

Post Installation Steps

Once you have downloaded and installed Falcon LogScale Collector you need to: